Our Arab American Friends

Study of the Rich Our Arab American Friends Ann Coulter

By KT Holly, Bizz staff writer.

Let me just start by telling you this.

You know how when you hear or read someone say the following; "I'm not trying to sound......(or) I'm really not a racist, but......." ~ ~ That kind of thing? And you imediately think the exact thing. That they are going to sound evil; or come off as a racist.

Well; let me just assure you. I don't care one way or the other about our good middle eastern friends living and working amongst us. I really don't harbor any ill, or anything towards this ethnic group. So don't include me in a reactionary thought that I really DO care, and DO harbor ill will to these people. Because I don't.

So; having said all that, I'll try and relate to you my issue, ok? Bear with me. We're all novices here. This site is just to pass my spare time, or when I really feel strong about an issue, I've got to put it out in cyberdom for all eternity. OK? - Ok.

This country is being overun, people.

Overun by immigrants, and foriegners from far away lands. People with very different, (dare I say) odd characteristics and upbringings that most of you, and certainly ALL of my ancestors have been accustomed to being around. It's almost getting scary.

Scary, as in the sense that if the rate of immigration, and growing number of "strangers" (for lack of a better word) keep coming here and taking full advantage of our seemingly endless line of favors awarded them, I feel that some day, the historically white; anglo-saxton, european traditions and way of life, are going to be gone.

Someday, instead of museums of American Indians and the like, people will be going to "white/Euro" museums, to look at the stuff we USED to do. Like Hockey games. Vacationing on the beaches. Sitting down to have a hotdog & beer, while watching NASCAR. You know? White Boy stuff!

Not that I feel we whites from the 1800's are the end all superior worldwide race. (Please see first paragraphs, ok?) I'm just concerned about the ramifications of a country that is losing it's roots, you know? The traditions. Our Heritage!

I live and work near a very, very large contingent of Arab Americans. Of ALL types. Some are very rich, with smart, well adjusted kids, who are soon off to the University of Michigan Dental School; In their matching Mercedes Benz', sitting in their 5 car garages. I get that there are a certain number of these families in our country, ok?

Others I have had the occasion to come in contact with, I feel have the propensity and where with all to cut my tonsils out with a macheti, if I were to stop my car in the wrong intersection of their city. You know what I mean? The types that would scare Al-Qeada, ok? - And there are litterally millions more of the later, I'm afraid, than the former. (Again, I refer you to the first two pargraphs.)

What is to become of America, people? Are we going to become a land of mixed races. Scores of ethnic backgrounds. Illegals everywhere. The growing numbers of people, who come to us from a background of despising the "infedel". They seem to be overtaking almost every party store I go to. Every gas station. All the good coney island joints. Ya know?! It's mind boggling!

I'm just wondering what is going to happen, a hundred years from now. Are the descendants of our forefathers going to be here? Or are we going to be moved further and further out into the Burbs and high country, in search of "our kind"? Fleeing the onslaught of foriegners and illegals from other poorer nations.

Time wil tell; I guess.


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